How the Geneva Association Got Inspired by AI and Future-Proofed Their Skills

Learn how the Geneva Association partnered with DataNorth to bridge the AI knowledge gap and empowered their employees with AI skills.

40+ Specific AI use cases introduced
15+ AI tools introduced
10+ Employees inspired about AI
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The Geneva Association is the leading think tank of the insurance industry. They identify fundamental trends and strategic issues where insurance plays a substantial role or which influence the insurance sector. Through the development of research programmes, regular publications and the organisation of international meetings, they strive to advance the development and application of risk management and the understanding of uncertainty in the modern economy. Established in 1973, The Geneva Association is based in Zurich, Switzerland and is a non-profit organisation funded by our members, the Chief Executive Officers of the world's largest insurance and reinsurance companies.

About the Geneva Association

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Based in Zurich, the Geneva Association is the sole think tank for the global insurance industry. It conducts thorough research in collaboration with its members, academic institutions, and international organizations.

Working closely with key stakeholders, the Geneva Association identifies and examines significant trends and risks that may impact the insurance industry, and develops recommendations for both the industry and policymakers. It provides a platform for its members, policymakers, academics, multilateral organizations, and NGOs to discuss these trends and recommendations.

Additionally, the Geneva Association highlights the positive contributions of insurance in enhancing risk understanding and fostering more resilient and prosperous economies and societies in both developed and emerging countries, thereby contributing to a more sustainable world.

Founded in 1973, this non-profit organization is funded by its members, who are the Chief Executive Officers of the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance companies. It produces research under seven work streams: Climate Change and Environment, Health & Demography, Social & Financial Inclusion, Digital Technologies, Cyber, Macro- and Geo-economic Shifts, and Public Policy & Regulation.

Through research and events, the Geneva Association strives to advance the development and application of risk management and the understanding of uncertainty in the modern economy.

Exploring AI Possibilities at the Geneva Association

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a key focus for many organizations aiming to leverage its potential to improve operations. Despite this interest, understanding and implementing AI technologies can be challenging. The Geneva Association, committed to continuous development and growth, recognized this challenge.

Specifically, the Geneva Association aimed to enhance its capabilities by implementing AI tools and techniques.

"Within the company, a lot of people had not used AI before.
 After the workshop, they were carried away and started using it."
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Pamela Corn
Director of Communications @The Geneva Association

The Geneva Association had several motivations for pursuing a workshop in AI:

  • Understanding AI: Assisting employees in gaining a clear comprehension of Artificial Intelligence, including its foundations, possibilities, and limitations.
  • Fostering Innovation: Encouraging employees to explore and use AI technologies, showcasing the benefits of incorporating AI into their routines, and ultimately driving innovation within the organization.

Recognizing the interest in learning about AI and its possibilities, the Geneva Association sought a partner with expertise and experience in AI, leading to a collaboration with DataNorth.

Getting Started with AI at the Geneva Association

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To get started with AI and explore how it could be integrated into operations to streamline tasks and boost efficiency, the Geneva Association opted for a tailored-made solution.

DataNorth provided a custom AI workshop tailored to the specific needs of the Geneva Association to eliminate any confusion about Artificial Intelligence and demonstrate its transformative potential.

"The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Every colleague felt like they benefited from it."
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Dennis Noordhoek
Director Public Policy & Regulation @The Geneva Association

Before the workshop, AI experts at DataNorth conducted interviews with multiple staff members within the Geneva Association, creating the basis for the tailored AI workshop. This approach provided the Geneva Association team with valuable insights into the possibilities of AI.

During the AI workshop, participants were introduced to the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, and Generative AI, illustrated with real-life examples.

DataNorth demonstrated how AI can simplify processes, boost efficiency, and create more room for innovation and creativity. By presenting specific use cases tailored for the Geneva Association, they showcased how AI can enhance their operations.

In the practical part, topics covered included effective prompt engineering and using ChatGPT to summarize text and generate video content. They also explored the capabilities of Copilot and Perplexity.

Measurable AI Results at the Geneva Association

The start of the Geneva Association’s journey into AI, through the collaboration with DataNorth, showed measurable potential for AI adaptation within the organization.

More than 40 use cases were identified where AI can be integrated into daily tasks, from summarizing reports using ChatGPT to making complex topics more graphical with visualizations.


Specific AI use cases introduced
AI tools
Employees inspired
about AI

At DataNorth, we are proud of our collaboration with the Geneva Association and it’s great to hear that they also found our partnership to be successful.

The collaboration with DataNorth went very well. They were very well-prepared and the AI workshop was well-structured.
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Hannah Dean
Editor & Content Manager @The Geneva Association

Working with DataNorth underscores a strategic commitment to AI, driving efficiency and fostering innovation. This proactive technology adoption not only enhances the Geneva Association’s efficiency in various daily tasks but also ensures future readiness. Embracing Artificial Intelligence marks an important step in the Geneva Association’s journey towards innovation.

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