Keep Your Inbox Organized With Mailbox Automation

Are you tired of filtering through your cluttered inbox? With mailbox automation, powered by AI, your inbox is automatically categorized and organized by urgency!

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Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide
GDPR & ISO certified AI consultancy
mailbox header
of time saved on email sorting and labeling
faster response time to urgent messages
accuracy on extracted data from emails
A 100% secure and seamless integration
laptop girl mailbox

Our Mailbox Automation Solution

Our AI-driven mailbox solution automatically organizes and structures your inbox, prioritizing emails based on urgency. This automation helps streamline email management. As a result, messages are efficiently forwarded to the appropriate department or individual, ensuring effective handling of the subject matter.

What Are The Key Benefits?

Implementing our tailor-made Mailbox Automation solution offers key benefits for your organization and processes:

  • Streamlines Mailbox Management: Automatically categorizes and sorts messages, so your department only sees the messages that really apply.
  • Reduces Repetitive Work: Time to extract important data, sorting and forwarding messages is reduced by up to 80% with automation.
  • Up to 98% Extraction Accuracy: Accurate, streamlined, extraction of important data, eliminates tedious administrative work.
  • Saves Time and Costs: The AI-powered and automated mailbox solution saves up to 70% in resources.

Curious How We Can Help You? 

Get in Touch With Us Today.

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Seamless Mailbox Automation in 4 Simple Steps

Reply to urgent emails first, gain insights faster, and keep your inbox clean with an AI-powered mailbox. Automating mailbox management improves efficiency and productivity in your workplace.
mailbox steps

Collecting and Processing Emails

All incoming emails are collected and get processed through our AI-powered solution.

Extracts Important Data

The AI communicates with your database to retrieve and gain real-time insights.

Prioritizing and Categorizing

Emails get prioritized and labeled with tags, ensuring correct departments or individuals are appointed with the subject matter.

Clean and Organized Inbox

Clutter-free and organized inbox, with emails categorized, prioritized, and easily accessible.
“Thanks to DataNorth’s AI-powered mailbox automation solution,
our efficiency and productivity has increased significantly.”

Get started today!

Make your inbox clutter-free with mailbox automation today and experience the true power of AI.
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