Searchable Database For Your Company Documentation

Easily locate and access any file, when you need it, with an AI-Powered Searchable Database. Save time on information discovery and make decisions faster!

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Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide
GDPR & ISO certified AI consultancy
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Up to 8 hours saved per week
Browse documentation 10x faster
Up to 99% data extraction accuracy
A 100% secure and seamless solution
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Our Searchable Database Solution

With our Searchable Database Solution your documentation we scan and digitized your company information first. After that we apply optical character recognition (OCR) technology to convert images into searchable text. Once everything is digitized, your company documentation will be centralized into a searchable database. With a simple search, any, previously offline, document can now quickly and easily be located and accessed by your employees.

Documentation you can digitize

  • Company Documentation
  • Internal Documentation
  • Manuals for (Industrial) Electronics
  • Financial Records
  • Sales Records
  • And much more…
increase productivity

What are the Key Benefits?

  • “Keyword” Search: Access company documentation with ease through the use of “keyword” searches, experiencing an increase in efficiency.
  • Quick Decision-Making: Easily locate and access important documentation, enabling decisions to be made faster.
  • Boost Productivity: The ability to locate and access important documentation fast, results in a 30% boost in productivity.
  • Saves Time and Costs: Our searchable database solution cuts resource usage by up to 70%, saving both time and costs.

Curious How We Can Help You? 

Get in Touch With Us Today.

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Seamless Documentation Search in 4 Simple Steps

Our searchable database for company documentation makes information retrieval easy. Locate and access any file with a quick keyword search!
steps visual

Insert Relevant Keyword

Insert a keyword or search term relevant to your topic to be analyzed and identified.

Locating Avaliable Resources

Our solution crawls the database and locates available resources relevant to your search intent.

Access and Retrieve Information

As a result, your employees can access and retrieve information from relevant resources within moments.

Take Accurate Decisions

Upon information retrieval, important decisions can be made on the spot.
“We observed a significant transformation in our overall productivity, which has enabled us to make decisions with greater speed.”

Get started today!

Ready for your digital transformation? Make your company documentation easily accessible
with a searchable database.
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