How Nedmag Embraced AI and Boosted Employee Skills with ChatGPT

Learn how Nedmag partnered with DataNorth to bridge the AI knowledge gap and empowered their employees with AI skills using ChatGPT.

15+ Specific ChatGPT Use Cases introduced
10+ Of impactful GPT’s introduced
60+ Participants inspired about AI and ChatGPT


employees trained


Chemical production


Tailor-made ChatGPT Workshop

nedmag logo
Nedmag B.V. specializes in the production of high-purity magnesium chloride brine and calcium chloride, primarily through solution mining operations in the Veendam concession in the Netherlands, serving various industries including food, health, and environmental applications.

About Nedmag

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Nedmag, based in the North of the Netherlands, stands out for its exceptional production of high-purity magnesium salt (magnesium chloride). This unique offering stems from a rare, bischofite salt layer discovered in 1972, deep beneath Veendam. This layer, a remnant of the ancient Zechstein Sea, provides unusually pure magnesium salt, which has led Nedmag to be a key player in both local and global markets. As the only magnesium producer in all of Europe, Nedmag’s high-quality products are essential in numerous industries. 
Nedmag, headquartered in Veendam, operates in three locations in the North of the Netherlands: two mining sites where high-quality magnesium chloride is extracted and one production facility where Dead Burned Magnesia (DBM), calcium chloride, and magnesium hydroxide are produced. 
The exceptional quality of the magnesium salt ensures that Nedmag’s products are indispensable across a multitude of applications, including the production of refractory bricks, bleaching pulp, and recycling minerals in waste water treatment plants. The purity of the magnesium salt also allows for its use in food, medical, and cosmetic industries, highlighting its versatility and importance. 
Nedmag is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. The company boasts an R&D department focused on developing new products and applications, alongside a quality control lab that ensures the consistency and excellence of its offerings. This commitment to quality and innovation has enabled Nedmag to expand its market reach, with products sold across Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia. 
Their commitment to innovation is not only evident in product improvement but also in their forward-thinking approach, having appointed AI ambassadors as a first step towards AI adoption. 

Bridging the AI knowledge gap at Nedmag

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic, especially with its potential to transform industries. However, for many traditional companies, embracing AI can be a daunting challenge. Nedmag, a company with a rich history of over 40 years in magnesium extraction, found itself at a crossroads when AI technologies became widely discussed. 

With the rapid rise of ChatGPT, it was clear that Nedmag couldn’t ignore it anymore. However, most employees were unaware of what AI could do, leading to uncertainty and reluctance.  

"When you asked our employees back then what AI could mean for their role or for Nedmag, they often said: ‘No idea, because we don’t even know it.’ So, the unknown is unloved, and from that perspective, we decided to start with AI."
peter nedmag
Peter Oosterhoff
IT manager @Nedmag

Recognizing this gap, Nedmag decided that before exploring specific AI applications in their operations, it was essential to familiarize their workforce with the fundamentals of AI. The goal was simple: equip employees with the knowledge to understand AI, particularly ChatGPT, and empower them to think about its possible use cases within the organization. 

Key challenges Nedmag wanted to address in the realm of AI include:

  • Understanding AI fundamentals: Helping employees grasp the basics of AI, given that most had limited exposure to or understanding of Artificial Intelligence. 
  • Overcoming resistance: Addressing the natural reluctance and skepticism towards new technologies by demonstrating AI’s relevance and potential benefits to their work.
  • Building confidence: Providing hands-on training with ChatGPT to make employees comfortable and proficient in using AI tools, thus reducing the fear of the unknown. 
  • Identifying use cases: Exploring practical applications of AI within Nedmag’s operations to enhance productivity and innovation. 

This led Nedmag to seek a partner who could provide a comprehensive and practical AI workshop focused on ChatGPT. The aim was to give their employees a solid grounding in AI and ChatGPT, enabling them to integrate this knowledge into their daily tasks and future projects. To achieve this Nedmag sought a partner with expertise and experience in AI, leading to a collaboration with DataNorth

Enhancing AI understanding and equipping Nedmag employees with practical skills

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With the aim of addressing the AI knowledge gap and overcoming reluctance towards AI, Nedmag decided to collaborate with DataNorth. We provided 3 inspiring ChatGPT workshops for all Nedmag employees, from office staff to production workers. 
Before the workshops, Nedmag gave their AI ambassadors access to the premium version of ChatGPT for a few months to experiment and bring their use cases to the AI experts at DataNorth. Our AI experts tailored the ChatGPT workshops based on these use cases to engage employees and encourage active participation. This hands-on approach provided valuable insights into AI’s possibilities and ensured the workshops were highly relevant to their daily tasks.
"We wanted to include Nedmag-specific examples in the workshop. Therefore, the ambassadors received ChatGPT 4.0 to contribute examples. DataNorth included these examples in the workshop so that we immediately could start working with it afterwards."
peter nedmag
Peter Oosterhoff
IT manager @Nedmag

During the ChatGPT workshops, the participants were first introduced to the basics of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT, explaining its history and various types, alongside the technological impact, benefits, and challenges. 

In addition to the previously provided use cases from the AI ambassadors, various other ChatGPT use cases were demonstrated. These examples showed how ChatGPT can be tailored to meet specific needs based on daily operations. Moreover, participants engaged in interactive sessions designed to creatively address their organization’s challenges. 

As a result of the ChatGPT workshops, Nedmag employees became more confident and knowledgeable about AI, inspiring and enabling them to explore AI and ChatGPT solutions in their day-to-day business. This initiative not only bridged the AI knowledge gap but also fostered a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within Nedmag. 

By partnering with DataNorth, Nedmag successfully introduced AI to its workforce, paving the way for future advancements and ensuring they are well-equipped to harness the potential of the transformative world of AI. This initiative has enabled them to safely use AI to enhance their creativity and digital skills. 

Measurable results of AI at Nedmag

The ChatGPT workshops at Nedmag were positively received, and have yielded significant results. The workshops offered a comprehensive understanding of AI’s transformative capabilities, utilizing relevant, practice-oriented examples. Overall, the ChatGPT workshops received a score of 7.7 in an internal Nedmag survey, reflecting the overall positive reception and effectiveness of the inspiring sessions.

Specific ChatGPT Use Cases introduced
Of impactful GPT’s introduced
Participants inspired about AI and ChatGPT
After the ChatGPT workshops, the feedback from the participants was very positive. Even a participant who initially stated they wouldn’t use AI and signed up for the training out of skepticism found the session useful and enjoyable in the end.
peter nedmag
Peter Oosterhoff
IT manager @Nedmag

By partnering with DataNorth, Nedmag took the first crucial step in their AI journey, ensuring their team was not only aware of AI’s capabilities but also inspired to further explore on how to use ChatGPT to enhance their daily operations.

Moreover, Nedmag established a policy for the use of ChatGPT and AI within the company. This policy includes the do’s and don’ts of handling these technologies.

This initiative underscores the importance of knowledge and familiarity in adopting new technologies. Through this collaboration, Nedmag demonstrated its commitment to continuous improvement and development, which are core values of the organization.

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