How NPAL Inspired SMEs to Implement AI, to Enhance Innovation and Productivity

Learn how NPAL partnered with DataNorth to demystify AI and inspire their improvement cluster members towards the use of AI.

15+ Industry specific AI Use Cases introduced
10+ Organizations inspired to take the next step
6+ Talks with DataNorth for their next step in AI
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Founded in 2009, NPAL enhances the competitiveness of manufacturing organizations and technical service providers. As a non-subsidized foundation, members pay for participation and gain valuable knowledge and inspiration. NPAL organizes improvement clusters and provides a support structure where members learn from each other’s expertise to boost productivity.
4+ Members and a team of Experts

About NPAL

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De Noordelijke Productiviteits Alliantie (NPAL), headquartered in Groningen, is a foundation that has been the knowledge community in Northern Netherlands. Established in 2009, NPAL focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of the manufacturing organizations and the technical service providers.

NPAL is a non-subsidized foundation where members pay for their participation and get knowledge and inspiration in return. NPAL supports organizations, aiming to improve productivity, by organizing improvement clusters and providing a support structure where members inspire each other and learn from each other’s knowledge, experience, and expertise.

This method encourages organizations to learn from each other’s practices. At its core are ‘improvement clusters’, which are groups of organizations that learn from and with each other, gaining hands-on experience together. NPAL organizes these clusters in areas such as operational excellence, health & safety excellence, strategic HRM, and new technology like Industry 4.0.

NPAL establishes annual programs for the improvement clusters, ensuring they align with the improvement ambitions of participating organizations. These clusters include plenary meetings, workshops, and working groups, all tailored to the interests and goals of the participants.

The NPAL Foundation consists of a team of four dedicated staff members and various expert advisors are brought in to guide the improvement clusters. In addition, they cooperate with various knowledge institutions and partners, such as the University of Groningen, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, the University of Twente, TNO, and Veiligheidsregio Groningen.

Clearing Confusion About the World of AI

In the past few years Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic, especially with the emergence of Generative AI (GenAI). There is a significant increase in organizations wanting to step inside the powerful world of AI in order to improve their overall performance. However, there is still a lot of uncertainty and confusion about AI, leading to many organizations not knowing where to start when wanting to use AI.

Therefore, NPAL wanted to give the members in the improvement cluster “industry 4.0” the opportunity to explore the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence to clear confusion and provide them with a solid understanding of what AI truly entails.

For NPAL, it was more than providing their members with a good understanding about what AI is, it’s also about inspiring their members to set the next step in AI and giving them the tools to immediately get started, to enhance their productivity.

"There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about AI. Therefore, we want to provide the opportunity to clarify what AI is and what it is not, so that we can alleviate any cold feet."
bert oosting npal
Bert Oosting
Expert Improvement Cluster Industry 4.0 @NPAL

Key subjects NPAL wanted to address in the realm of AI include:

  • Clarifying AI Concepts: Addressing the confusion about the world of AI and clearly defining what AI is and isn’t inside the improvement cluster of Industry 4.0.
  • Overcoming Apprehensions: Reducing initial doubts of the members and showcasing the potential of AI in real-world applications.
  • Future potential: Highlighting the importance of AI and inspiring their employees by providing them with hands-on-tools to implement AI right away to enhance efficiency.

Excited about the world of AI and its possibilities for organizations, NPAL decided to venture into AI with DataNorth. They set the first step for their knowledge community to get inspired and gain insights from a consultancy partner with experienced experts at every stage of AI adoption.

Empowering SMEs at the improvement cluster from NPAL with inspiring AI insights

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With the aim of clearing any confusion about Artificial Intelligence and providing a good understanding of its possibilities, NPAL partnered with DataNorth to explore the potentials of AI and inspire their members to start their journey in the world of AI.

"You can set up a large AI program, but my experience is that it’s wise to start small with a problem, explore, see what works and what doesn’t, learn along the way, and then expand."
bert oosting npal
Bert Oosting
Expert Improvement Cluster Industry 4.0 @NPAL

At the start of the AI talk, our AI expert provided the participants with a clear overview about the fundamental AI concepts. This included topics like machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and generative AI, all illustrated with examples.

Moreover, we discussed the applications of AI in the industry, focusing on how SMEs in the North of the Netherlands can leverage and apply AI’s potential. After convincing the members that AI is accessible to everyone, including SMEs, we explored the potential of generative AI and ChatGPT during the practical part of the inspiring AI talk.

As a result, the AI talk inspired the participants to recognize the practical applications of AI and motivated them to start implementing AI in both their personal and professional life.

"The AI talk was an inspiring session where participants gained new insights, and the practical segment offered them interesting eye-openers."
bert oosting npal
Bert Oosting
Expert Improvement Cluster Industry 4.0 @NPAL

Through this collaboration, NPAL has demonstrated its commitment to guiding organizations in embracing AI. As a knowledge community, NPAL proves to be a valuable asset for the North of the Netherlands, fostering innovation and supporting SMEs in the region.

Measurable Outcomes from AI at NPAL

The beginning of the exploration of AI for Improvement cluster Industry 4.0 at NPAL, in collaboration with DataNorth, has generated substantial inspiration and motivation among the members to embark on AI initiatives within their organizations.

This inspiring session was only the first of many steps. We already had follow-up conversations with some members to discuss the next steps in their organization’s AI journey.

Industry specific AI Use Cases introduced
Organizations inspired to take the next step
Talks with DataNorth for their next step in AI

Embracing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence demonstrates how NPAL is a leading knowledge community in the North of the Netherlands.

This marks a significant step in their mission to support organizations in their continuous journey towards innovation and sustained success.

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