A Guide on How To Inspire Your Employees to Use AI in 2024

Nick Moesker | 14/08/2024
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AI is becoming a big part of companies’ operations, changing the way of working. The integration of AI, brings lots of benefits, such as enhancing your operational efficiency and providing a more personalized customer experience.

However, not everyone is excited about using AI every day. Some people wonder, “If everything’s working fine, why change?” In addition, people also worry about jobs being taken over by AI. These factors can impose challenges for your organization’s journey into AI adoption. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to not only aim for AI adoption but also to actively engage your employees in the process. Demonstrating the personal benefits and involving them from start to finish can help shift their perspective and embrace AI as a valuable tool, and not as a threat.

This blog explores the importance of integrating AI into your organization’s operations and motivating employees to embrace it. We’ll also provide you with a customized guide to help you start your organization’s AI journey and ensure full employee engagement.

So let’s get started!

The Growing Importance of using AI for Organizations

Nowadays you hear it everywhere; organizations implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their day to day operations. According to a report from Grand View Research, AI is expected to continue impacting organizational operations significantly. Between the years 2023 and 2030, AI is expected to even further grow with an annual growth rate of 37.3%. 

Companies are already implementing AI in various ways:

  • Using low-entry tools such as ChatGPT and Copilot
  • Automating their mailbox
  • Creating personalized chatbots for customer service 
  • Building retrieval augmented generation (RAG) system to include all their documents  

However, due to various reasons, such as the lack of understanding of AI technology or the fear of job replacement, a lot of companies are still resistant to the implementation of AI. 

Just like other inventions such as the internet and smartphones, we believe that it is just a matter of time before AI revolutionizes our lives and becomes the new normal.

So why shouldn’t you be resistant and hop on the train to discover the powerful world of AI? 

Let us give you a few groundbreaking examples! 

Optimize your operational efficiency

One of the most important benefits of AI is that it can help to enhance the operational efficiency of your organization. This can be done by, for example, automating daily tasks, so that you can focus on more value-adding activities. 

More personalized customer experience 

Moreover, with the help of AI you can boost your customer service and the experiences your customers have with your organization. AI can help with analyzing and learning from data in order to provide your customers with a more personalized experience.

Minimizing errors, maximizing opportunities

With the insights of the enhanced data analysis, provided by AI, you can significantly reduce  mistakes and minimize human error. Additionally, AI can assist you in identifying new opportunities and potential threats, enabling you to make more well-informed business decisions. 

The listed benefits above are only a hand-full of reasons why implementing AI can be beneficial for your organization.

Motivated to dive into the world of AI? Great! Let’s have a look at why it is important to also get your employees onboard to start utilizing AI. 

Why It’s Important to Inspire Employees on Utilizing AI

In the previous part we’ve discussed why it is crucial to start implementing AI in your organization. Now, you being motivated to implement AI, the challenge becomes to motivate and inspire your employees.

It’s understandable that for employees with years of service, AI might seem irrelevant. They might wonder why implement AI now if everything’s been fine for years?

Due to the fast-paced developments in AI, it’s no surprise that keeping up with the newest innovations can seem daunting. Additionally, this gap in understanding can make AI seem inaccessible and unnecessarily complicated for your employees.

The benefits of integration AI for your employees 

It is crucial to inspire and motivate employees about the benefits of AI adoption within your company. Encouraging your team to embrace the world of AI is essential for several reasons:

  • To drive innovation and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth
  • Upskill or reskill your employees to adapt to the changing work environment  
  • Boost operational efficiency and productivity 
  • Make your employees more happy, by increasing employee engagement and achievement
  • Let your employees focus more on fun and challenging tasks 

Overall, these reasons highlight that inspiring employees to use AI will ultimately be benefitting for both your employees and organization.

You might be wondering, “Where do I even begin?” Well continue reading to discover practical guidelines on how to encourage your team to adopt AI! 

How To Motivate and Inspire Employees to Use AI

Finding the right approach to change management in the realm of AI can feel overwhelming with numerous models and theories available. Our ultimate guide simplifies this process by leveraging the ADKAR model, renowned for its employee-focused approach. 

We’ve customized the ADKAR framework for AI integration, ensuring a smooth transition that excites your organization. 

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Get ready for your AI journey with our guide, making AI a key part of your success. Let’s begin!

Awareness (of the need to utilize AI)

The objective of the first step in this journey is to make your employees aware of the importance of implementing AI in your day-to-day business.  

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Highlighting AI developments and success stories

There are several ways to initiate awareness. You can start by casually discussing the latest AI developments or success stories from companies implementing AI with your colleagues over some morning coffee. 

If they already show interest, you could suggest some AI-focused newsletter for regular updates and insights. 

Organizing an in-company event 

Have you noticed that your colleagues aren’t yet interested in AI? Consider organizing an in-company event, like inviting guest speakers or an inspirational live demo

This offers a great opportunity for employees to learn about the AI basics and see its power in action. It’s a perfect setting to make your employees more aware about the transformative potential of AI and the need to implement it in the organization.

Desire (to participate in and support the AI adoption)

Understanding the importance of AI integration in your organization is the first step. The next  challenge is gaining genuine support and engagement from employees for its day-to-day use.

Highlighting the benefits and positive impact of AI within your company can build trust among your employees. By emphasizing that AI enhances their workflows without replacing their jobs, you help to reassure them of their value.

Therefore, involving employees in the integration process is crucial to foster inclusivity and support, ensuring smoother adoption and implementation of AI.

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Workshop & Training 

The action you could take to awaken this desire is to organize a workshop & training for your employees. With the workshop your employees will delve into the basics of AI, its history, and technological impact, and real-life examples. Moreover, you will get insights on how AI can be customized to your organization.

Lastly and most importantly, in the workshop’s interactive sessions, employees will be shown how AI can solve work challenges. This will inspire your employees that it is never too late to start learning about AI, as it’s accessible and usable for everyone no matter your age.

Implement incentive programs 

Who doesn’t love a little celebration and receiving rewards? As a next action after the workshops, consider implementing incentive programs in your team and/or department to sustain long-term change.  

Rewarding employees for embracing AI in their work, not only boosts their willingness to use AI but also fosters a culture ready for change. This growing desire will eventually result in  employees influencing their colleagues, and before you know it, the whole department will be eager to step into the transformative world of AI.

Knowledge (on how to change)

Now that you’ve sparked your employees’ interest and willingness to engage in AI adoption, it’s time to focus on the “knowledge” stage of the ADKAR model. The goal of this stage is to equip everyone in the company with the right knowledge and skills they need in order to navigate through the field of AI. 

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Access to online learning platforms 

First, you can consider giving your employees access to online learning platforms that specialize in AI education. Keep in mind to offer your employees AI courses tailored to their roles in the organization. As it’s crucial in order for a change to happen, that in this stage your employees acquire new in-depth knowledge about AI, specific to their responsibilities.

AI assessment for a more tailored approach 

For a tailored AI integration approach, you can consider an AI assessment. Experts will dive into your organization’s processes to identify impactful AI opportunities and potential risks. After closely examining your operations, you’ll receive a detailed report with clear AI insights and use cases for your company, along with consultation for next steps.

While you’ve made significant progress by now, your journey isn’t over yet. Next, we’ll focus on ensuring that your employees are able to apply the knowledge they’ve gained and that they stay motivated to integrate AI into their daily tasks.

Ability (to implement required skills for AI adoption)

The following step in this guide is to ensure that your employees have the ability to implement the required skills and behaviors for the AI adoption. In other words, you need to make sure that your employees are capable of applying the AI tools and concepts in their daily work. 

However, are you still struggling with keeping your employees motivated for the AI adoption, or do you see the use of AI slowly decreasing? This might be because they have the feeling that they aren’t part of the change or they’re struggling to keep up, and hesitant in asking for help in using AI. 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, let’s discuss some actions you can take to improve this. 

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Form a task force or assign superusers 

First of all, it’s crucial to form a task force or assign super users who have the knowledge and skills on how to use these AI tools. They can offer guidance and support to colleagues who still don’t fully understand how to apply AI into their daily tasks. 

Furthermore, involving Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the development or implementation phase leverages and enhances their valuable knowledge.

Create feedback channels 

Additionally, you can create feedback channels where employees can share their experiences, challenges and success with AI. 

This assures them that they’re not alone in struggling and making mistakes with AI tools. This will give them the feeling that they don’t have to be ashamed to ask for help, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Organize AI Hackathons 

Lastly, to further empower this environment of social learning and innovation, why not organize AI Hackathons? 

These events go beyond competing against your colleagues. During an AI Hackathon, employees are assisted by an AI-consultant/expert to solve internal business challenges using AI. This fosters innovation and hands-on use of AI tools, enhancing your team’s collective skills and experience.  

After having dedicated so much effort in your organization’s journey to AI adoption, we’ll now explore strategies on how to preserve this hard work and ensure a sustained integration of AI.

Reinforcement (to sustain the AI adoption)

The last part of our guide on motivating and inspiring your employees about AI is all about making sure AI becomes a lasting element of your organization. This phase, called reinforcement, is about keeping AI in your company’s culture and processes. 

However, don’t underestimate this phase, as the hardest part of implementing change in your company is to make sure that it lasts and that you don’t fall back to the old ways of doing. 

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Keep on celebrating the success with AI

It’s important to support the use of AI and make it clear that there is no going back. It helps to keep on stimulating your managers to talk about the progress of the use of AI inside their team, and keep on celebrating every big and small win with AI. This keeps everyone focused on moving forward with AI.

Establish AI platforms or newsletters 

Similar to the feedback channels, establish platforms or newsletters within your company where employees can celebrate and share their AI success stories. With these platforms you stimulate your employees to show to their colleagues the positive changes AI has brought to their workflows, fostering an environment of inspiration and continuous growth. 

Continuous support and guidance 

Moreover, remember the task force or superusers you’ve formed in the ‘ability’ phase? Their role doesn’t end there! Providing ongoing guidance in AI adoption ensures employees feel supported every step of the way.

To sustain change and maintain high enthusiasm, regularly update your employees with advanced insights on the latest AI developments tailored to their specific roles. This ensures that your organization remains agile and forward-moving in the fast-paced world of AI. 

Get Started with your journey in the world of AI 

This blog has provided you with a customized guide to make your employees enthusiastic for AI adoption inside your organization, following the ADKAR change management model. 

Throughout this journey, the focus has been on your employees, guiding them from raising awareness of AI’s importance to sustaining these changes in your company.  

Has this guide inspired you to embark on your organization’s AI journey? Do you need further advice or support along the way? We at DataNorth are here to assist you at every stage of your AI adoption process!

Are you ready to embark on the transformative journey into the world of AI and in need of expert advice or support? Don’t hesitate to contact us here!